get involved

Join the movement

and make real impact

How you can help

Make a donation, activate your team or club, join an event, become a volunteer, email your boss to become a friend of our foundation or let your hockey stick be reused – it all helps to make us continue our work, it’s up to you!

Honestly, the best way to support us, is to make a donation. With your one-off or structural contribution, you can make a difference.
Become a partner
Let's start investing in sustainable sport communities and its people, whilst meeting your SDG goals.
Join an event
Visit one of our events in the Netherlands or abroad and stop two gaps with one bush.
Reuse your equipment
Expand the life cycle of your (old) hockey sticks, balls, or other equipment.
Step in as a volunteer
Join our team of voluntary impact makers and boost your career.
Raise funds
Link up your school, sports club, company or create a birthday fundraiser.