Improve the world, start together! Hockey Dreams Foundation and Bambook have entered into a partnership. What could be better than social organisations coming together, reinforcing each other’s work and achieving their objectives better. As a result, we have available: the Bambook Hockey Planner! Together with coaches from the Hockey Dreams network this erasable Hockey Planner was developed – the tool for overview and optimization during preparations, training sessions and matches.
The idea for Bambook arose in 2014 when Ward Haarsma, Brent Waterman, Marco Jansen and Richard Aangeenbrug were third-year Business Administration students at the Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, the Netherlands. They wanted to contribute to a better world. The idea of Bambook was born to prevent paper waste. Recycling is of course good, but as they say themselves: “prevention is better.” And so they developed a notebook with whiteboard paper that can be erased and rewritten endlessly: “no stuffed wastebaskets, no creases, no pieces of paper lying around, and instead we contribute to the recovery of the climate and ecosystems.”
The enterprise exists for almost ten years now and currently employs 11 people full-time. Bambooks are made from sustainable materials, and the company is also working on a more beautiful world within the company. The own workshop offers space for about 20 ‘Bambookers’ with different backgrounds. They make and process the products with a custom workplace. In addition, Bambook enters into sustainable partnerships. With Eden Reforestation Projects, Bambook is committed to reforestation in Madagascar. Large-scale planting of new mangrove forests creates fertile soil, which benefits better and healthier harvests for the local population. And now also the collaboration between Bambook and Hockey Dreams. The demand for such a book for hockey trainers and coaches came from the hockey world itself.
”Bambook aims to have as much positive impact as possible. With the Hockey Dreams Foundation we share values about your role in society, and in the Hockey Dreams programmes we recognize our own journey. It is nice to see how the Hockey Dreams coaches are making progress on a personal level, and are gaining experience and confidence in how they can make a difference in their environment.
Ward HaarsmaBambook
The partnership entered into by Hockey Dreams Foundation and Bambook offers trainers and coaches of hockey clubs the opportunity to purchase (personalised) planners at competitive prices. The product will also be for sale during the upcoming EHL, but the Hockey Planner is already available in the webshop. The 20 percent commission that Hockey Dream Foundation receives from sales directly benefits our coaches in Uganda, Zambia and Malawi.
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